Quick Check-list
before Calling
Many problems can be solved in minutes as they are not component defects, but are caused by external factors affecting the operation
of the unit.
Condenser – Check that the condenser is clean and free of dirt. Otherwise, the unit will not function properly as heat will not escape. Clean the condenser with compressed air to blow the dust off.
As a precaution, it is strongly recommended to perform this procedure regularly at least every six months, even when the unit is operating properly.
Outdoor temperature – When the outdoor temperature is too high, the unit automatically switches off until the temperature decreases again,
as the pressure is too high and the unit may be damaged. If it is a hot summer day, make sure that your trailer is not receiving direct sunlight.
Iced evaporator – Leaving the trailer or container door open too long or too often can cause ice in the evaporator. This is particularly likely when there is a high level of air humidity in the summer. In this case, initiate manual defrost or switch off the machine to let the ice melt.